Sunday 10 January 2021




1. Pengenalan/ Pendahuluan & Latar Belakang Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis


Bab 1 iaitu bab. Aaa. Iaitu bahagian pendahuluan ataupun kadang-kadang pelajar dia tulis sebagai bab pengenalan. Boleh jee. Yang mana satu pun boleh. Nak letak pendahuluan boleh. Nak letak pengenalan pun boleh. Jadi bab ini aaa. Kalau kita tengok dalam buku ini kita ada banyak subtopik yee. Subtopik kita ada pengenalan. Pengenalan sama dengan semua bab iaitu kita memperkenalkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Dengan latar belakang, masalah kajian, persoalan, objektif, kepentingan, batasan, definisi operasional, organisasi kajian dan kesimpulan. Okay. Jadi kita seperti biasa kita akan masuk 1.1 pengenalan. Jadi dalam bahagian pengenalan ini kita akan memperkenalkan apa dalam bab ini. Tapi kadang-kadang saya dapati pelajar tulis pengenalan ni dalam lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman macam tu. Tapi nama pun pengenalan. Pengenalan kalau kita letak panjang lebar dia dah jadi seperti latar belakang. Kadang-kadang pengisian dalam pengenalan itu kita dapati adalah seperti sorotan kajian. Dia letak pula kajian di situ. Jadi itu kita kena pastikan ye. Kita cuma nak memperkenalkan. Memperkenalkan mungkin kita kenalkan apa tentang keseluruhan tesis tersebut. Serupa juga macam kita buat bab 5 penutup. Kita nak tutup seluruh tesis. Jadi, pengenalan kita nak memperkenalkan apa yang tentang kajian dalam tesis ini yee. Jadi kalau misalnya, tak mahu awak nak buat begitu, awak boleh buat pengenalan dalam satu perenggan pun tak apa. Apa ada dalam pengenalan bab 1 ini sahaja. Jadi terpulang. Terpulang kepada pelajar yee. Tapi pastikan tidak seperti sorotan dan tidak seperti latar belakang kerana kita ada subtopik latar belakang. Jadi dalam latar belakang ini sebenarnya ia kalau kita lihat ia seperti sejarah. Ataupun yela kita nak buat kajian tentang Instagram. Jadi maksudnya kita letaklah bilakah Instagram bermula? Siapa memperkenalnya? Letak tahun kemudian datang Malaysia bila. Bagimana bentuk Instagram? Semua ada dalam ni. Ciri-ciri Instagram. Semua ada dekat dalam ni. Tetapi mesti ada rujukan. Nama pun latar belakang. Nama pun sejarah. Perlulah ada rujukan. Kalau tak ada rujukan tak bolehlah. Jangan awak kata menurut, tak ada menurut pun. Dia buat. Dia buat je sampai tiga empat halaman langsung tidak ada rujukan. Macam seolah-olah dia yang buat latar belakang tu. Itu salah. Maknanya setiap perenggan yang awak hurai dalam latar belakang perlu ada rujukan. Jadi kalau nak letak bila bermulanya Instagram, siapa memulakannya. Dia tak letak pula tahun bila dan dia ambil dari laman web mana. Hah, jadi kena ada rujukan. Jadi pentingnya latar belakang. Jadi latar belakang ini menunjukkan kalau kita pemeriksa baca, kita nak lihat bahawa. Okay tentang latar belakang Twitter contohnya macam ni macam I macam ni. Datang kat Malaysia ni. Apa kandungan Twitter itu. Apa ciri-ciri dia. Apa semua tu. Barulah saya sebagai pemeriksa faham tentang oh kajian dia bengini. Oh kajian dia nak buat begitu. Okay. Jadi masuk dalam latar belakang. Tetapi ingat bahawa latar belakang ini bukan sorotan kajian. Janganlah awak masuk menurut Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) apa nama ni Twitter ni. Menjalankan kajian tentang bla bla bla. Dah itu dah rupa sorotan kajian. Maka berhati-hati. Jadi dalam latar belakang ini kita boleh letak lebih kurang. Kita boleh letaklah lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman. Kalau lebih. Ada pelajar dia letak latar belakang tu sampai 10-20 halaman. Itu dah tak boleh. Itu dah jadi baiklah buat buku sejarah yee. Tak perlu. Sebab kita nak latar belakang yang serba ringkas supaya pemeriksa faham. Yang macam saya katakan tadi. Oh pemeriksa kata “oh pelajar nak buat latar belakang begini rupanya, begitu rupanya”. Jadi ini amatlah penting. Jadi pastikan ada rujukan. Dalam latar belakang ini tak perlulah kita kata 5 tahun ke belakang. Sebab kita pun nama sejarah. Kalau sejarah maknanya dah tahun yang lama-lama. Yang maknanya latar belakang ini tidaklah terhad. Rujukan 5 tahun ke belakang. Jadi rujukan tu ni bila-bilalah tentang bila ditubuhkan apa semua tu tak ada masalah. Boleh letak dalam latar belakang. Tetapi pastikan ia daripada contohnya dia buat tentang Twitter tu tadi. Latar belakang Twitter kemudian pasti awak tulis menjurus kepada akhirnya kepada kajian awak ini. Kajian awak ini. Jadi maknanya mula-mula dia punya secara meluas. Kemudian meluas tentang siapa mulakan apa semua kemudian menjurus, menjurus akhirnya hampir kepada kita punya kajian. Itu namanya latar belakang kajian. Mestilah berkaitan dengan kajian kita ye.
































1.Introduction/ Introduction & Background of the Study (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis


Chapter 1 is chapter. Aaa. That is the introductory part or sometimes the student he writes as an introductory chapter. Can jee. Which one can. Want to put the advance can. If you want to put an introduction, you can. So this chapter aaa. If we look in this book we have many subtopics yee. Our subtopic has an introduction. The introduction is the same as all the chapters i.e. we introduce what is in the chapter. With background, research problems, questions, objectives, interests, limitations, operational definitions, study organization and conclusions. Okay. So we as usual we will enter 1.1 introduction. So in this introductory section we will introduce what is in this chapter. But sometimes I find students writing this introduction in about two to three pages like that. But the name is an introduction. Introduction if we put it at length he has become like a background. Sometimes the filling in the introduction we find is like a study highlight. He also put the study there. So we have to make sure ye. We just want to introduce. Introducing maybe we introduce what about the whole thesis. It's the same as we did chapter 5 cover. We want to close the whole thesis. So, our introduction wants to introduce what is about the study in this thesis. So if for example, you do not want to do that, you can make an introduction in one paragraph is okay. What is in the introduction to this chapter 1 only. So it depends. Depends on the student yee. But make sure it is not like a highlight and not like a background because we have a background subtopic. So in this background it is actually if we see it as history. Or yes we want to do a study on Instagram. So do we mean when to start Instagram? Who introduced it? Put a year later came Malaysia when. What does Instagram look like? Everything is in here. Instagram features. Everything is close in here. But there must be a reference. The name is also the background. The name is history. There must be a reference. If there is no reference, it is not allowed. Do not say obey, no one obeys. He did. He made je up to three or four pages directly without reference. It was as if he was the one who made the background. That's wrong. This means that every paragraph you parse in the background must have a reference. So if you want to put it when Instagram starts, who starts it. Student did not put the year when and they took from which website. Huh, so there must be a reference. So the importance of background. So this background shows that if we examiners read, we want to see that. Okay about the Twitter background for example like this like I like this. Come to Malaysia. What is the content of Twitter? What are his characteristics. What is all that. Only then did I as an examiner understand about oh study he like this. Oh study he wants to do that. Okay. So get in the background. But remember that this background is not the focus of the study. Do not enter according to Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) what is the name of this Twitter. Conduct a study on blah blah blah. That's what the study highlights look like. So be careful. So in this background we can put more or less. We can put about two to three pages. If more. There are students who set the background up to 10-20 pages. That is no longer possible. That 's so good for ya history books. No need. Because we want a simple background so that the examiner understands. Like I said earlier. Oh the examiner said "oh students want to create a background like this apparently, so apparently". So this is very important. So make sure there is a reference. In this background we do not need to say 5 years ago. Because we are also the name of history. If history means a long time ago. Which means this background is not limited. Reference 5 years back. So this reference is when it comes to when everything is established, there is no problem. Can be placed in the background. But make sure it is from the example he made about Twitter just now. The background of Twitter then sure you write leads to the end of your study. This is your study. So that means first of all he has it widely. Then spread about who started what all then lead, lead finally almost to us have a study. That is the name of the study background. Must be related to our study ya.



Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 1. Pengenalan/ Pendahuluan & Latar Belakang Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis. Diakses pada Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan



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